Junior OS Developers (Freelance / Remote)

For a client we are looking for several Junior OS Developers for a remote assignment.

Qualifications and experience

You probably have a Master’s degree or similar in an IT related field, and you have the drive and passion for programming and configuration within e.g. Outsystems, C# and .NET, Core, WebApi’s (REST microservices), SQL or other Microsoft technologies.

Additionally you:

  • Can see yourself in a role as a Full Stack Developer with a passion for frontend development as well
  • Want to be an Experienced Developer within object-oriented design and development e.g.  Outsystems, C# and .NET Core, WebApi’s REST microservices and SQL
  • Have 1-2 years of experience within application development
  • Are willing to learn and adapt on of our Low-code tools – be an Outsystems specialist
  • Can see yourself working with agile software development and delivery
  • Have interest in working with global blended teams


English and preferably also Danish.


Full time

January 1st 2022 – June 31st 2022 with option for prolonging

You will work remotely when possible


Please contact Lars Thorborg on +45 30 17 99 93 or lt@twins.dk ASAP.



Geografi - Remote

Startdato - January 1st 2022

Slutdato - June 31st 2022 with option for prolonging


Lars Thorborg

IT Sourcing Specialist

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